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Last night, I had a screaming dream. One of those dreams where everyone and everything upset me so thoroughly that the only possible recourse was to scream at the top of my lungs and start breaking things. Well, everyone except Autumn this time. These happen occasionally, most likely due to accumulated stress.

I guess we were visiting my family. We were late leaving the house for something, but since Autumn wasn’t feeling well, there was nothing I could do about it. I tried to convince the rest of my family to go without us. They wouldn’t, nor would they accept that going with us was not an option. I grabbed the nearest wooden dining chair and split it over my father’s head. I continued to smash the pieces of the chair into walls and other things while screaming my lungs out.

I woke this morning feeling nauseous and upset.

Posted October 19, 2014 by Nephanim in Dreams

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